A State Assemblyman is resurrecting an effort to create a rating system for daycare facilities. Republican Assemblyman John Benoit says the goal is to give parents easily accessible information about child care. Jenny O’Mara reports.
As part of the bill, daycare facilities like this one would be required to post a rating -- similar to those in restaurants in counties around California. And facilities with violations of state licensing laws would be given a downgraded rating.
Assemblyman John Benoit is the author of the legislation and says parents must have easier access to safety information.
Benoit: When you walk in the door, you wouldn’t just see a license, you would see something that goes with it that gives you some idea of whether or not there’s been serious problems.
A rating system based on safety history and other quality measures was recommended earlier this year in a report by the state Legislative Analyst. However the California Childcare Resource and Referral Network says while it supports information for parents, such a rating system may be premature. The organization is pushing for more frequent inspections of facilities.