Global Warming May Cause Price of Milk to Rise
Alison St John (Guest Host): The effects of global warming, or rather of our response to global warming, touch our lives in many unexpected ways. One of the consequences may be the rising price of milk.
According to the California Department of Food and Agriculture, the cost of milk has increased about 40 cents per gallon this year. The Dairy industry says there are good reasons for this, but the industry is challenged by a San Diego libertarian who accuses them of price fixing that hurt consumers.
- Tiffany LaMendola , director of economic analysis for the Western United Dairymen.
- David Van Ommering, owner of Van Ommering Dairy in Lakeside and former president of the San Diego County Farm Bureau .
- Richard Rider , chair of the San Diego Tax Fighters and the former chairman of San Diego County's Libertarian Party.