Julian, Bubbles and Ricky plan the Big Dirty in Trailer Park Boys: The Movie (Screen Media)
I never would have caught Trailer Park Boys (opened February 2 at AMC Palm Promenade Theaters) if it hadn't been for a friend of mine. She's a fan of the Canadian TV series, so she dropped everything and called me as soon as she saw an ad announcing the opening of the film in San Diego. But the film arrived without fanfare and opened at only a single theater location, so if you like the show and want to catch the film you better move fast. I had never seen the TV show but was game to see if the Trailer Park Boys could make me laugh. Past experience has proven that Canadian humor -- from Second City TV to Kids in the Hall to Strange Brew -- can be quite addictive once you've been exposed to it. No prior knowledge of the show is required to enjoy or understand the film, but an ability to divorce yourself from reality and be able to look past the low morals of the main characters helps.