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Citizen Voices

Iranian Triple Feature

Please enjoy this brief news unreel before our feature presentations. A rare multinational agreement has been reached: 

China, France, Germany, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States decided to swat Iran with a third round of sanctions because of questions surrounding Iran's nuclear research. But last December this arm in arm in arm in arm in arm in arm agreement looked like it wasn't going to happen. President Bush lost face to the world when a U.S.-produced National Intelligence Estimate report suggested Iran did in fact pass the sniff test for weaponized uranium. Bush's claims for imposing sanctions were seemingly hollow ( liberal and conservative analysis) and his urge toward sanctions was sunk. Three months later, the sanctions are in. Reasons? Some say a CIA-procured laptop once belonging to an Iranian technician put a good spook into more than a few countries. Iran's consistently cagey claim to an "inalienable right to peaceful nuclear technology" didn't fly this time either. But really, who knows how they do things in that ultimate players lounge they like to call the United Nations Security Council?  Furthermore, let us not forget that sanctions are for governments and movies are for people.

So, let's get on with the counter-programming.


Hamsarayan (The Chorus)

Davesnot from Oceanside
March 12, 2008 at 01:37 AM
Wow... thanks for all three of these.. definately things I wouldn't have time to find in my normal routine... though.. I guess now that Citizen Voices is part of my routine.. .. hmmm... Thanks!