Republican Strategist Lee Atwater Praised by Allies, Reviled by Opponents
Tom Fudge: Lee Atwater is an American political legend. The man who ran George Bush's 1988 campaign for president was a brilliant political tactician. He was funny, he was cynical and, in some ways, he was contemptible. He knew how to play the blues. He spoke with a strong South Carolina accent. And, the end of his life brought a fight for redemption. It was an appropriate conclusion to a story that was very rooted in the American South.
That story is told in a new FRONTLINE documentary that airs tomorrow night on KPBS-TV. Airtime is 9:30 p.m. The FRONTLINE program is called Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story .
- Stefan Forbes, producer of FRONTLINE's Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story , which chronicles the rise and fall of one of the Republican Party's most influential political strategists.