Originally aired on May 20, 2008.
Tom Fudge : The business of raising kids is one of the most broadly discussed topics in our world. It's a matter of custom and common sense. It's entered the province of science. Our folk wisdom acknowledges that you need to raise your kids right. At the same time, it's fair to wonder how much of a difference parenting style really makes. You see kids turn out badly even when their parents seem to do everything right. And there are good people in this world who have survived horrendous childhoods, and were raised by terrible parents.
None of this causes parents to give up in their effort to be a good influence on their kids. What is different about the way people raise their kids today? And have the changes been for the better, for the worse, or do they make much difference at all?
Guests :
- Nesta Aharoni , a Carlsbad-based author of "My Goodness: My Kids, Cultivating Decency in a Dangerous World," and publisher of Grassroots Publishing Group .
David Peters
, a licensed
family therapist
with a private practice in Mission Valley.