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San Diego Could Look Very Different in 2050 Due to Impact of Global Warming

What kind of plan should the San Diego region implement to deal with climate change in the future? What kinds of changes will the San Diego region likely face as a result of global warming? Host Ali

San Diego Could Look Very Different in 2050 Due to Impact of Global Warming

Alison St. John: Experts tell us that the scale of the climate crisis we are heading into will dwarf the economic crisis we are in now. Just as we are struggling to adjust to the financial challenges, we have to look ahead to the climate challenges as well. And you know what they say:  "In challenge lies opportunity."

Our guest on These Days is Director of the Environmental Program at the San Diego Foundation. The Foundation has just put out a report that applies what we know about climate change to how we'll be affected in practice, right here in San Diego.

