The latest installment of San Diego Weekend has some real treasures, including a project I think is really fun. & The first image was made by Peggy Sue Harrington and her friend Matt, who lives in Oregon. & They've started a project called Double Exposure. & One of them will shoot a roll of film and then send it to the other to shoot on top of it. & The resulting double exposures are the combination of two cities and two photographers' particular visions. & I think it's inspiring. & I encourage all of you to start up a similar project with a long distance friend or creative collaborator. & Don't forget to let me know of the results! &
Leaving San Diego by Peggy Sue Harrington .
Circus Vargas - Power of the Chin by Mike Rollerson.
the material 12.08 by 42frenzy &

Center by chuckl2432 .
Mini Guitars by shherryylll.