Jack Doyle is a former directly elected two-term Mayor of Santee who is returning to public life because we’re all frustrated with partisan gridlock where special interest money drives shortsighted public policy decisions. He is the only “totally independent” candidate with both elected experience and a consistent record of building budget reserves.
Jack was a life long Democrat who became dissatisfied with the lack of fiscal responsibility and special interest influences in the party. Last year he changed party affiliation to become an Independent because neither major party has shown the ability or the willingness to cooperate in tackling the real reforms needed to make our Country strong.
Jack Doyle has proven military and regional leadership skills. He is a former carrier pilot and retired Navy veteran. Jack served in the Persian Gulf and achieved the rank of CAPTAIN in the Naval Reserves (30 years active and reserve service). He was selected National 1987 ‘Naval Reserve Officer of the Year.’ Jack was also SANDAG Chair (two years) and San Diego Trolley Vice-Chair (two years). Jack Doyle is a successful business owner who knows tax incentives can create more jobs. He also has a Masters in Business Administration from SDSU. Jack and his wife Lori, a United Methodist Minister, have been fourteen-year district residents. They live in Coronado and have three sons.
Send fiscal responsibility, compassion and courage to Washington. Jack is financially independent and will not be influenced by special interest or PAC money seeking favors. Elect a warrior for fairness and fiscal responsibility. Elect a statesman and businessman with leadership skills and an effective record whose goal is to encourage job creation, keep America strong and protect Medicare and Social Security for future generations.