San Diego-based Invisible Children today delayed the release of a sequel to its viral documentary, "Kony 2012'' to Thursday.
The nonprofit organization released its controversial 30-minute "Kony 2012'' on March 5 to bring attention to Joseph Kony and how he presses Ugandan youth into service in his Lord's Resistance Army. The video was an instant hit, scoring 86 million hits on YouTube.
The announcement about the release of "Kony 2012: Part II'' was made on the organization's social media accounts, which initially indicated the sequel would be released today.
In a YouTube-posted video, Invisible Children Chief Executive Officer Ben Keesey and Director of Idea Development Jedidiah Jenkins said the sequel provides an update on the Lord's Resistance Army and the steps that are being taken to support the arrest of its leadership.
Following the release of "Kony 2012,'' Invisible Children founder Jason Russell, 33, suffered a public meltdown on a San Diego street corner. His family said Russell was extremely exhausted, stressed and dehydrated when he suffered reactive psychosis 10 days after the release of "Kony 2012.''
Invisible Children has sought to bring attention to the plight of Ugandan children for about eight years but skyrocketed to worldwide fame following the release of the short film.