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Cooler Weather Forecast For San Diego County

The La Jolla coast is pictured on a cloudy morning, Sept. 25, 2019.
Erik Anderson
The La Jolla coast is pictured on a cloudy morning, Sept. 25, 2019.

Much cooler weather will develop over San Diego County this week as high pressure is replaced with low pressure, which will allow the marine layer to be extensive most nights and mornings, the National Weather Service said today.

Strong westerly winds will prevail over the mountains and deserts, and cloud cover will be more persistent some days west of the mountains, the NWS said. A few light showers could occur Wednesday when low pressure is at its deepest.

Some warming is expected late this week as the low pressure weakens, but cooling will return as the pattern reverts back next week, forecasters said.


Fog was widespread west of the mountains and clearing very slowly early Sunday with some drizzle. Beaches were likely stay cloudy most of the afternoon.

High temperatures along the coast Sunday will be 70-75 degrees and overnight lows will be 56-61 with patchy drizzle, the NWS said. Inland highs will be 75-80 and lows will be 51-59, also with patchy drizzle overnight.

A long-period swell from the south-southwest will produce elevated surf at all beaches through Monday, the weather service said. The elevated surf will result in stronger rip currents.