Thursday, Feb. 22, 2024 at 8 p.m. on KPBS 2 / Stream now with KPBS Passport!
On May 10, 1940, Winston Churchill became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom — and Germany launched its offensive against France and the Low Countries. British troops were evacuated from Dunkirk by June 4, Churchill delivered the “Finest Hour” speech on June 18, and in mid-July the Battle of Britain commenced.
“Blitzkrieg – 1940” is available to stream now with KPBS Passport, a member benefit that unlocks exclusive shows and extra content on the PBS App.
About The Series:
THE 100 DAYS is a dramatic series that tells stories of 20th century world events, revealing unexpected aspects of some of the pivotal moments of modern history. Each episode focuses on one major event and the 100 days that give context to the events leading up, during or at the close. The narrative of each episode will unearth little-known incidents and characters. The “first hundred days” provides an ample perspective on the timing of these defining moments of history, giving a sense of what lies ahead.
Distributed by American Public Television