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Ireland Made with Love

Ailbhe Gerrard dips her handmade wicks into beeswax to create candles at Brookfield Farms in County Tipperary, Ireland.
Courtesy of Symbio Studios
Ailbhe Gerrard dips her handmade wicks into beeswax to create candles at Brookfield Farms in County Tipperary, Ireland.

Premieres Saturday, May 25, 2024 at 9 p.m. on KPBS TV / Stream now with KPBS Passport + Encore Sunday, May 26 at 6:30 p.m. on KPBS 2

Ireland’s epic landscape and rich culture are gloriously showcased in the MADE WITH LOVE series. From the spectacular cliffs on the Atlantic coast to the medieval castles and historic villages, the program takes viewers inside the legacy of craftsmanship and traditional techniques of Irish masters.

Ireland Made With Love: Preview

From a skilled harp maker honing ancient techniques to a traditional basket weaver in Galway, to wool weavers in Kilkenny using 800-year-old methods, to one of the last master crystal engravers in Waterford, "Ireland Made With Love" showcases the skill, pride and love that go into these trades.

Natalie Surina playing her handmade harp in County Galway, Ireland.
Courtesy of Symbio Studios
Natalie Surina playing her handmade harp in County Galway, Ireland.

Inspired by their homeland’s terrain, rich soil and pristine waters, these legendary Irish products are infused with a deep love of place.

Countryside of County Galway, Ireland.
Courtesy of Symbio Studios
Countryside of County Galway, Ireland.

Watch On Your Schedule: "Ireland Made with Love" is available to stream with KPBS Passport, a benefit for members supporting KPBS at $60 or more yearly, using your computer, smartphone, tablet, Roku, AppleTV, Amazon Fire or Chromecast. Learn how to activate your benefit now.