Monday, Jan. 27, 2025 at 11:30 p.m. on KPBS TV / Stream now with the PBS app
In recent years the United States has seen a significant increase in antisemitism. "Holocaust Warnings: American Antisemitism and Extremism" brings together a variety of experts to examine how the Holocaust might provide a template for understanding and confronting extremism today.
WVIA journalist Julie Sidoni moderates the in-depth panel discussion with world - renowned scholars:

- Professor of history in the UCLA History Department and author or editor of more than 15 books in the field of Jewish history Dr. David N. Myers
- Professor Emerita of Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Stockton University in New Jersey and the author or editor of 21 books and numerous essays about the Holocaust, Dr. Carol Rittner, RSM
- Professor in the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Northern Arizona University, Dr. Alex Alvarez
- Professor of History and director of the Honors Program at Newman University, Dr. Kelly McFall

The program will also feature interviews with Holocaust survivors, descendants of Holocaust survivors and several local high school students who provide feedback on how the Holocaust and extremism are perceived by younger generations, particularly within the lens of how quickly hateful rhetoric can spread on social media.

“'Holocaust Warnings' is a timely program that is essential viewing for everyone. It is a reminder that the Holocaust was not inevitable and th at we must all be vigilant in fighting against all forms of intolerance and discrimination,” said Ben Payavis II, WVIA’s chief content officer. “At WVIA, we stand against hate, and our hope is that this program will help strengthen the voices of others tha t are willing to take that stand with us.”
This program is the first phase in a multiyear community conversations project for WVIA.

Watch On Your Schedule: "Holocaust Warnings: American Antisemitism and Extremism" is available to stream with the PBS app.