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Magnolia's New DVD Label

South Korea's The Host (Magnolia)

Magnolia, Mark Cuban's company, has started a sub-label called Magnet to specialize in what they are calling 'wild, unquantifiable and uncompromised' cinema. That means horror and genre fare from around the world. Since horror and genre films from around the globe are something near and dear to my heart, I just wanted to share the info with you. Magnet joins these other specialty companies: Tartan , Synapse , Panik House , Quentin Tarantinio's Dragon Dynasty and others. Magnolia has already released Thailand's Tears of the Black Tiger and South Korea's The Host theatrically and on DVD.The question is how will Magnet treat the titles it releases? Will they exercise the care and respect that Tartan's Asia Extreme extends to its titles or will Magnet try to find a more mainstream market and release the films dubbed? Stay tuned.