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Get Filmmaking Advice at Comic-Con

There are people who come to Comic-Con and then there are Comic-Con people. The quartet of filmmakers represented in this video are Comic-Con people. Sam Raimi, Quentin Tarantino, Robert Rodriguez, and Guillermo del Toro come to the Con because they like it and they get it. They are also willing to provide aspiring filmmakers with some solid advice. Here are a few clips with these filmmakers imparting their words of wisdom. Raimi provides, perhaps, the most practical and yet still inspirational words of wisdom. &

Robert Rodriguez has a panel on Red Sonja with Rose McCowan, Thursday, 2pm Room 6CDEF.

Thanks to Comic-Con for providing footage of the panels for our news coverage.

Studios and celebrities are due to return to Comic-Con 2024 — and so is the fandom we all know and love. Read stories, watch videos and check out events from the world's largest pop culture convention.