On Saturday, I met the Greco family. They are, without a doubt, one of the coolest families I've met in San Diego. They call themselves a family of artists, and the label is well-earned.
Parents Rob ( a middle school teacher at The Children's School in La Jolla) and Lizette (a working artist who teaches their own children at home) have raised Sophia (11 yrs. old) and Enzo (10 yrs. old) to follow their imaginations and interests in the most creative ways. I'll be writing more about the family's lifestyle, art, and educational philosophy in the next few days, so come back to Culture Lust to learn more about Grecolaborativo.
In the meantime, below is a slideshow of the Greco children in their homemade Halloween costumes from years past. The kids come up with their own costumes and the family makes them together, using recycled fabrics, art supplies, and thrift store items.
The beginning of the slideshow features a short video of an art project the Grecos made for The New Children's Museum (it's currently on view). After the video, you'll see the costumes they've made, going all the way back to when Sophia and Enzo were babies.
This year, Sophia is going to be a harpie (using the angel wings in the slideshow) and Enzo is going to be a tree, inspired by a comic series he's been drawing called "Edgewood."
Take that, Target! This video where Target "hates on" homemade Halloween costumes is embarrassingly bad. Seriously, Target, what were you thinking?