Jason Isaacs ("Harry Potter," "The Patriot") stars as private investigator Jackson Brodie, the tough former soldier and policeman with a heart of gold, in this three-part series based on the acclaimed novels by Kate Atkinson. Brodie, haunted by a past family tragedy, struggles to balance his personal and professional life while coming to the rescue of the bereaved, the lost and the dysfunctional in the Scottish city of Edinburgh.
In the hospital, Brodie meets his savior — young Reggie, a precocious girl who rescued him and is now eager to have her good deed repaid. Reggie is the nanny for Dr. Joanna Hunter, whose husband Neil has abruptly announced that she's gone to see family. But Reggie recalls Joanna had no family, arousing suspicion and Reggie's youthful inquisition. Intrigued himself but not entirely convinced, Brodie delves into the case.
The mystery surrounding Joanna Hunter soon deepens, even connecting to a long-ago crime. Meanwhile, the obsessive Gary Moore is unmoved by Brodie's other commitments — escalating both words and actions related to his wife's behavior.
Past and present collide in an explosive conclusion, one that causes Brodie to reevaluate his life and make a surprising declaration. This episode is based on the novel "When Will There Be Good News?" by Kate Atkinson.
Episodes of "Case Histories" will be available for online viewing beginning October 17, 2011.
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Watch Case Histories: Episode Three Preview on PBS. See more from Masterpiece.
Watch Case Histories: Jackson Brodie and DC Louise Munroe on PBS. See more from Masterpiece.
Watch Case Histories: Filming in Edinburgh on PBS. See more from Masterpiece.
Watch Case Histories: Author Kate Atkinson on Jason Isaacs on PBS. See more from Masterpiece.