Jason Isaacs ("Harry Potter," "The Patriot") stars as private investigator Jackson Brodie, the tough former soldier and policeman with a heart of gold, in this three-part series based on the acclaimed novels by Kate Atkinson. Brodie, haunted by a past family tragedy, struggles to balance his personal and professional life while coming to the rescue of the bereaved, the lost and the dysfunctional in the Scottish city of Edinburgh.
Shaken but back on solid ground, Brodie, along with crime novelist Martin Canning, witness a horrifying act of road rage. Canning seems more confident in his fictional world than the real one, and incessantly begs Brodie to protect him given that Canning has witnessed this crime. But is Brodie the real one next in line for a violent end?
Meanwhile, Gloria Hatter sits at the hospital absorbing the news that her husband Graham is in a coma, and incomprehensibly, was with his dominatrix when it happened. But that's not even the most shocking secret that Gloria with the help of Brodie will unearth about her husband.
Brodie races to resolve the cases while also facing the poignant truth that he may not be able to protect and keep close to his own daughter forever.
Part three will air on Sunday, October 30 at 9 p.m. on KPBS TV.
Episodes of "Case Histories" will be available for online viewing beginning October 17, 2011.
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Watch Case Histories: Scene from Episode Two on PBS. See more from Masterpiece.
Watch Case Histories: Jackson Brodie and DC Louise Munroe on PBS. See more from Masterpiece.
Watch Case Histories: Filming in Edinburgh on PBS. See more from Masterpiece.
Watch Case Histories: Author Kate Atkinson on Jason Isaacs on PBS. See more from Masterpiece.