Part travelogue, part food fantasy and part documentary of self-discovery, the public television series "Kimchi Chronicles" follows acclaimed chef Jean-Georges Vongerichten and his Korean-born wife Marja as they explore and celebrate Korea's cuisine and culture in the company of chefs, home cooks and their good friend, actress Heather Graham.
Then, Marja and Jean-Georges return to their country kitchen in Westchester, New York to re-create some of their favorite recipes alongside their neighbors, actor Hugh Jackman and his wife, Deb. Jean-Georges also demonstrates his command of simple, flavorful combinations by creating new dishes inspired by the Korean pantry.
In Busan, the world’s fifth-largest port city, Marja and her dear friend, the actress Heather Graham, sit down for a meal in the fish market, an experience only rivaled by Jean-Georges’ three-course seafood breakfast inside of Noryangjin, Seoul’s bustling fish market.
In their home kitchen in New York, Marja and Jean-Georges grill shellfish with chili and butter, fry crispy, beer-battered fish and onion rings, and grill whole sea bass flavored with Korean soybean paste and rice ale.
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