In times of crisis, where are you going to turn for the latest news and information? To KPBS of course, especially when the dead rise from the grave.
If you know me at all you know I know zombies. I've been talking about the possibility of the dead rising from the grave since 1968 when George A. Romero laid out the basic information on the modern zombie in "Night of the Living Dead." In the decades that followed, zombies continued to gain media attention and buzz. Romero has always been the go-to guy for zombie facts. He laid out how the dead have risen and crave human flesh; that a bite from a zombie can infect you; and that destroying the head or removing the brain are really the only way to get rid of a zombie.
If you've been following the news, there seems to be growing concern about the zombie apocalypse really hitting. The Center for Disease Control has a zombie preparedness page on their website. The page went up just before the much talked about "Judgment Day"on May 21, 2011 and the post crashed the website because so many people were interested.
KPBS is always at the forefront of new gathering in San Diego so as you'd expect we are here with information and news for you regarding the zombie invasion in San Diego. Check out this video.
Okay, the zombie invasion may still only be a possibility. But everything you'd have to do in a zombie apocalypse (maybe with the exception of beheading the undead) are what you need to do in any emergency. That's one reason why Max Brooks' books "The Zombie Survival Guide" and "World War Z" are so brilliant. They are fun and clever but also weirdly rooted in the real world. Well so too is the KPBS Zombie Pledge Video -- KPBS really does need your support to provide the best news in times of crisis. So check out part 2 of the KPBS Zombie Pledge Video and consider becoming a supporting member.
I also want to add that helping to make this video (I was the resident zombie expert for the project) was the best time I have ever had at work. That was true in part because KPBS fundraising producer Andy Trimlett is also an insanely talented, self-taught make up effects artist. For this zombie video, he and his friend Lee Dunteman often had to make up more than a dozen zombies in record time (sometimes only getting 10-20 minutes each!). Trimlett took the idea for this project and ran -- or should I say did the zombie shuffle -- with it. So kudos to him and all the crazy zombie volunteers who came out to help. Now let's see if the undead can raise some dollars. Here's some behind the scenes on the shoot.

If you have concerns about the zombie apocalypse, here are some interesting links:
Five Scientific Reasons the Zombie Apocalypse Could Really Happen, Cracked.dom
Know the difference between zombies and cannibals, Daily Caller