A national and international treasure, ANTIQUES ROADSHOW (UK Version) has been thrilling the public for more than 30 years, attracting large crowds intent on finding out what their possessions are worth. This time around, the team of specialists encounter objects from all over the world.
With its fascinating tales and air of anticipation as owners and viewers wait to hear whether a piece is about to be revealed as a priceless find, it's easy to see why the series was BBC One's highest rating factual series for 2010.
The program is hosted by Fiona Bruce, produced by Michele Burgess and the series editor is Simon Shaw.
"Beverley Minster" (Part Two) - Fiona Bruce and the team are back for a second visit to Beverley Minster in the East Riding of Yorkshire. Hundreds of visitors pack the nave eager to see the experts and amongst the objects caught on camera are a pair of valuable medical leech jars once used to bleed patients, a curious sideboard that hides secret drawers that took the owners thirty years to find, and a ring with a locket containing the hair of Napoleon Bonaparte.
Visit the program website to view photo galleries of antiques, and learn more about the appraisers.
A BBC production 2010