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Martha Stewart, Emmy® Award-winning TV host, author and founder of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, conducts a culinary master class for American home cooks each week. In the third series, beginning in 2014, Martha demonstrates classic cooking techniques and basics.
Using her signature step-by-step, how-to teaching process, she illustrates the building blocks of recipes everyone should know. Each episode features Martha’s tips and tricks, inspiring and educating home cooks everywhere.
"Grains II" - Thanks to their excellent health benefits, grains have surged in popularity lately. There are infinite ways to prepare them, and in this episode Martha shows three of her favorites. First, she cooks a mushroom barley soup that’s based on her mother’s recipe. Next, she makes couscous royale, a great way to showcase a versatile grain. She finishes up with grits with broiled tomatoes, featuring bubbly cheddar cheese and crispy bacon.
For more of Martha Stewart’s Cooking School, visit MarthaStewart.com, including the recipe for a Millet Vegetable Burger.