This acclaimed Emmy Award-winning anthology series features documentaries and a limited number of fiction films united by the creative freedom, artistic achievement and unflinching visions of their independent producers. INDEPENDENT LENS features unforgettable stories about a unique individual, community or moment in history. The series is supported by interactive companion Web sites and national publicity and community engagement campaigns. Acclaimed actor and filmmaker Stanley Tucci hosts the series.
Marriage Equality In The News
Stories of new laws, new debates, and new court rulings pop up almost daily in the fight for LGBT civil rights. This handy news feed will help you keep up with the latest developments on LGBT marriage equality laws.
"The New Black" - See how the African-American community is grappling with the gay rights issue in light of the gay marriage movement and the fight over civil rights. “The New Black” documents activists, families and clergy on both sides of the campaign to legalize gay marriage and examines homophobia in the black community’s institutional pillar — the black church — and reveals the Christian right wing’s strategy of exploiting this phenomenon in order to pursue an anti-gay political agenda.
The film takes viewers into the pews and onto the streets and provides a seat at the kitchen table as it tells the story of the historic fight to win marriage equality in Maryland, charting the evolution of this divisive issue within the black community.
Past episodes of INDEPENDENT LENS are available for online viewing. INDEPENDENT LENS is on Facebook, and you can follow @IndependentLens on Twitter.
“Let’s Have a Healthy Conversation”
"In this excerpt from the Independent Lens documentary The New Black
Canvassing for Marriage Equality
"In this excerpt from the Independent Lens documentary The New Black
Faith Gave Tonéx the Courage to Come Out to His Fans
"This video extra from the Independent Lens documentary The New Black gives us an intimate look at how singer Tonéx