This three-part animated series brings the voices of three pivotal historical figures to life: Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, and Booker T. Washington.
Without people, there can't be a church. So who were the people who made the black church possible in America? How could a nation embrace the Christian Gospel and Constitution that were so clearly anti-slavery and still justify slavery?
According to the Bible, Christians are charged to spread the Gospel, gather, read scripture, and serve one another. According to the Constitution, all men are created equal. So, who were the Americans that brought the country to face the promises it wasn't living up to?
In this short animated series, we look at just a few pivotal people who brought the reality of the right to gather, read, sing, worship, and share these truths that should have always been self-evident.
In association with the four-hour, two-part series, THE BLACK CHURCH: THIS IS OUR STORY, THIS IS OUR SONG (February 2021, PBS) from executive producer, host and writer Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
"The Reader" - The Reader risked his life to bring to the whole Church what should have never been prohibited.
"The Servant" - The Servant learned and then taught others how to serve more deeply not as a slave, but as a free man.
"The Hymnist" - The Hymnist sang praises to celebrate the salvation of the soul and to save the body from slavery.
Watch On Your Schedule:
The CORNERSTONES series is available to watch on and various digital platforms such as YouTube, and social media. #BlackChurchPBS
THE BLACK CHURCH series is available to watch on demand.
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A WETA national digital production. Executive Producers: Kelly Deckert, Justin Rhodes and John Wilson. Digital Content Producer: Cori Kipps. Social Media Manager: Chase Ellington. Digital Coordinator: Eleftheria Giannopoulos. Voiced by Benni Latham, Clifton McKnight and Arthur Romeo. Created by