Many Tijuana business and tourism officials hope Mexico's federal government changes its plan to screen vehicles headed south into Mexico. As KPBS reporter Amy Isackson explains, Mexican customs officials say they'll start screening traffic at San Diego-Tijuana border crossings in late July.
Mexican customs officials plan to stop all cars headed into Mexico.
Officials say they'll check license plates and weigh them to catch people smuggling guns or cash.
Mexican officials say, ideally, the process will take eight seconds.
Baja California's Tourism Secretary, Oscar Escobedo, worries it could be more like 10 seconds, at least at the beginning. He estimates traffic would back up for an hour or more to get into Mexico during the afternoon rush. He and other Tijuana officials are proposing two fixes.
"One possibility, five more lanes to take care of the peak hours. And the other possibility is we can make it random."
Escobedo says that way only some cars would stop.
San Diego Association of Government officials estimate more than 40,000 cars cross through San Ysidro into Mexico everyday.