State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O'Connell is demanding Gov. Schwarzenegger lift a moratorium on textbook adoptions and curriculum development in California.
The Governor signed a bill that places a five-year moratorium on textbook adoptions. It also stops the development of instructional guidelines that help teachers meet the state's standards in their classrooms.
The Governor's office expects to save more than $700,000 by taking such action. O'Connell calls it a "misguided attempt to save money."
He says no new instructional materials would reach classrooms until the year 2017. He also says instructional guidelines for teachers would not be updated until 2013.
“If we don't act now, we will have history textbooks that state there has never been an African American president, nor will they include up-to-date lessons on the rise of terrorism, the value of stem cell research, global warming and climate change.
O'Connell is demanding that the governor find cost savings elsewhere.