A California-based environmental group says several members of the California Legislature and the state's Congressional delegation voted for the environment 100 percent of the time. Three elected officials from San Diego made the list.
The annual scorecard on major environmental issues was released by Environment California.
Elected officials with 100 percent scores include Senators Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein and House members Susan Davis and Bob Filner of San Diego.
Members of the State Legislature that received 100 percent scores for their votes on environmental issues included State Senator Christine Kehoe of San Diego.
Dan Jacobson says the rankings were based on votes taken in Sacramento and in the nation's capitol.
"At the federal side what we were looking at were issues of clean energy, increasing our dependence upon renewable power and the $80 billion of the stimulus money that was dedicated toward energy efficiency and clean energy sources and then some wilderness issues as well," said Jacobson.
He says the group scored seven votes in the Senate and 15 votes in the House to come up with the Congressional rankings.
Jacobson says state rankings were based on votes on issues including clean energy and oil drilling.