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Census: Asian Population Booming In Western U.S.

How the U.S. Census Bureau divides the country into regions.
Photo courtesy U.S. Census Bureau
How the U.S. Census Bureau divides the country into regions.
Asian Population Boom
The latest U.S. Census numbers show that 46% of Asians live in the Western U.S.

The Asian population in the United States grew at a faster rate than any other group over the last decade, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Just-released statistics show that population grew by more than 45%.

The Asian population increased by 30% or more in every state except Hawaii, where they make up more than half of the state’s residents.

In Nevada, the Asian population was up by 116%. In Arizona, there was 95% growth. The census defines the race category as people of Asian alone or in combination with one or more races.


Chinese were the largest group with nearly 4 million people, followed by Filipinos and Asian Indians with more than 3 million each.

California had the most growth with an additional 1 million. Texas was second with more than 400,000 additional people of Asian descent counted.

The census shows that 46% of the Asian population lives in the western United States.