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The city of San Diego holds its first citywide career fair

Job seekers standing in line for the city of San Diego's first citywide career fair at the Balboa Park Club on March 22, 2023.
Job seekers standing in line for the city of San Diego's first citywide career fair at the Balboa Park Club on March 22, 2023.

The city of San Diego held a career fair today at the Balboa Park Club, trying to fill more than 2,000 city jobs.

There were jobs available in more than 30 departments, including police, finance and parks and recreation. Available positions ranged from entry level to upper management. The city provided a computer room and support staff to help people with their applications.

Edgar Portilla is a Supervising Personnel Analyst with the City of San Diego in the Recruitment section. He described the next step in the on-site process: “That application is going to get reviewed and approved immediately on the spot and then you're given a ‘golden ticket’ and that is going to get you into an interview room.”


The city is one of the largest employers in the region.

“We’re trying to set a precedent. Your regular application process takes anywhere from one month, up to six months and that’s if you get an invitation to an interview,” Portilla said. "Today, you are guaranteed an interview for those entry-level positions that we have approved and selected.”

San Diego City Councilman Raul Campillo said the job fair will help the community.

“The number one concern we hear from our constituents out in our different communities is the city services have been slow or even non-existent in some cases,” Campillo said. “That's because we don't have enough city staff right now.”

Campillo also made a three-point pitch to people considering a city job.


“It’s great to work for the city right now. One, because serving the public is always a great motivation,” Campillo said. “Second reason is, we have seen substantial pay raises over the last several years with Mayor Gloria and the new city council, so that people can earn a living to afford to live in San Diego. And last, but not least, the retirement pension is back in place now. Workers know that throughout their career they'll be able to retire with dignity, efficiency and be able to survive in the city of San Diego not just survive, but thrive.”

The city hopes to make this an annual event.

Jobseekers who couldn’t make it to the fair can still apply at