"The Servant of Two Masters," a new musical comedy playing at Lamb's Players, features four real-life married couples in over-the-top, slapstick scenarios. The play is a modern version of the classic 18th-century comedy by Venetian playwright Carlo Goldoni. David McFadzean, co-creator of popular '90s sitcom "Home Improvement" served as the playwright, bringing sitcom roots to this updated version. The play's use of pun and physical comedy creates a circus-like atmosphere at times. However, the chemistry and comedic timing on stage is clear as each character is ultimately on a crazy search for love.
Colleen Kollar Smith, actress, plays the part of Beatrice. She is also a member of Lamb's Resident Ensemble.
Lance Arthur Smith, actor, plays the part of Florindo. He is the husband of Colleen.
Nancy Snow Carr, actress, plays the part of Smeraldina.
Geno Carr, actor, plays the part of Truffledino. He is the husband of Nancy.
"The Servant of Two Masters" is currently playing through November 20 at Lamb’s Players Theatre in Coronado.