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Roundtable: 2016 Tax Proposals, Clearing Storm Drains, Future Of Rural Metro

Roundtable: 2016 Tax Proposals, Clearing Storm Drains, Future Of Rural Metro
Roundtable: 2016 Tax Proposals, Clearing Storm Drains, Future Of Rural Metro
HOST: Mark SauerGUESTS:David Garrick, reporter, San Diego Union-Tribune Claire Trageser, reporter, KPBS News Steve Walsh, reporter, KPBS News

Numerous and conflicting tax measures confused Californian voters. San Diego storm drains are choked with debris as we head into an El Niño winter. One getting them clear is more complicated than you think. The city's troubled ambulance service that has been missing has been sold. Can they turn it around? I am Mark Sauer and here is your midday. ________________________________________ Welcome to our discussion of the top stories in this is Mark Sauer. Joining me are reporter Claire from KBS news. David Eric good to see you and read Porter Steve Walsh welcome. ________________________________________ Protecting beaches and basin waterways, schools, building new fire stations, expanding the convention center and a boost Chargers Stadium. That exhausted list of needs and wishes put by public officials ahead of next election seems endless. Animation for the story explains it well. ________________________________________ The firehouse bond, San Francisco -- day Gil -- Chamber of Commerce and Labour Party are doing polling on their own infrastructure bond. Then there is a hotel tax increase for an expanded convention center and lawyer Kerri Briggs to raise hotel tax by 5%. And do not forget, a potential boat on building a new Chargers Stadium, a minimum wage increase and who knows what else. ________________________________________ We have exhausted that whole list here. It seems overwhelming. The biggie is the infrastructure bond and repair backlogs in the city. Where the details they are? ________________________________________ The details are there aren't any details. City Councilman said he was going to put something on the 2016 ballots. She said the plan is coming soon, maybe put in the next month or something like that. He is waiting to see -- and also Sandag discovering -- discussing similar -- the board is actually discussing it today as to whether they will move forward with the tax increase to fund transportation as well as habitat conversation. ________________________________________ We're looking at city sales tax, what are some of the things floating around to increase it Irick ________________________________________ One idea is independent budget Angeles -- analysts said these are three ways to revenue -- generate revenue. Increase property tax or the ever popular ending free trash pickup for single homes. All would require two thirds vote to approval. ________________________________________ Is the American a step up and back all of this? ________________________________________ Is his has been consistent saying they can spend the money for a bond that it would give the city quickly enough. It looks like he would not support that which would make it hard to pass especially if you need to thirds. ________________________________________ We are talking estimates of 1 to 5 We are talking estimates of 1 to 5,000,000,000 We are talking estimates of $1-$5 billion in backlog. ________________________________________ The independent budget said it was 1.7 over the next five years. Long-term you are looking at several billion. ________________________________________ This does not include the possibility of sea level rising which would call more infrastructure. ________________________________________ The other option on the county level? ________________________________________ Considering a half a percent sales tax. The go for transportation and other things. They question some money would be put up side for money but San Diego does not know how much that would be. They are talking about moving forward with that and they have done some polling on that. That would be to thirds on the county level which is harder to get them the city level. ________________________________________ There are multiple proposals and is Claire says they're not finalized push forward yet, one tax increase is tough but more than one doesn't that turn voters off? It seems like a tremendous amount of voter fatigue. You can have to really study up before you go to the polling place next year. You have to wonder why can't they get together and combine some of these efforts and explain to voters for simplicity what they are trying to do. ________________________________________ We're not saying all of these are going to make it on the ballot because people know they put twopenny -- we talk to people on the street in downtown and listen to what they say. ________________________________________ I would vote for a sales tax increase for road and infrastructure. County tax for road and infrastructure I would do that. ________________________________________ I would say yes. On all of them question were ________________________________________ Except hotel. ________________________________________ Road construction yes. We have been wrote in my car is been suffering from that. ________________________________________ Hotel increase for convention I would vote yes for that. ________________________________________ That was Jerry Leake, Chris Moorcock, Gavin Brion and Lauren Roback. That defies our wisdom. ________________________________________ It was surprising. People may say something different when there interviewed on camera instead of devoting bit Irick I was expecting people to say no, the government is taking too much of the money. The first -- first gentleman said they would vote for city and County tax increase for road infrastructure. ________________________________________ You would have to explain all of these and you would have to ask a lot for voters turnout. ________________________________________ I think it is unlikely the city would -- on the firehouse bond would never move forward without the save on. If it didn't have a city they would -- ________________________________________ She is head of public safety. In 20 In 2010/11 they said only firehouses were needed. Have a blueprint Cemex the bond simpler Irick ________________________________________ It is a lot, is an in question were ________________________________________ 19 I believe. The other infrastructure one would require about $50 million a year to pay the staff to work at the firehouse. The firehouse are not that expensive that the other requires hiring a bunch of new people in pain them. ________________________________________ Claire, talk about the mirror has a hotel room tax increase? ________________________________________ Is the mayor worried if there are multiple tax increase with that distract. They said no because that tax would not be paid by people who live here. It would be paid by tourist. ________________________________________ The fact that somebody. ________________________________________ There is an interesting factor with Cory breaks and Donna Frye's. ________________________________________ It was just introduce but it is fermenting. ________________________________________ That would also raise hotel room taxes by 5%. There may be a question of if they both pass and go on the ballot, would they override each other? I asked the city Atty. that whoever gets the most about what actually be the one implemented which is interesting. ________________________________________ So you could have competing measures there. Couple of seconds left, when can we expect to get some real final proposals on this? How do they get them on the balance consumer ________________________________________ Is is finalizing some edited and now he has to collect signatures. The rest have not submitted details yet so it depends on whether they are going on the June or November ballot. If it is June the city Council has a deadline of March in the November is later than that. Heading into the winter we should be seen details ________________________________________ We will be looking for the following stories on that one ________________________________________ Forecast says storms are coming of the winter El Niño. Some are expected to be whoppers. The prudent thing is to prepare and clean storm drains and minimize flooding which could devastating in many areas. Getting permission and a flooding emergency is not that easy. To start with the hurdles, once the flood happens than you can say all my goodness we have to clear these and get federal money and get the permit ease. Beforehand we cannot do the preventative. ________________________________________ Every forecaster says El Niño is coming in with a crazy amount of rainfall and we should be clear these channels because they're clogged. But you do not know when the storms are coming and where in exactly what will be threatened. The emergency permit rule said you have to have more specific teeth then it is just going to be a rainy winter to get a permit ________________________________________ You think storm drains are there for a purpose and we will get to the different kind of drains in a moment. We have crews that are paying attention to this. Let's talk about the scope. We've had many years of drought, we haven't even thought about the problem too much. The channels have had plenty of time to get clogged. How are they clogged what happens? ________________________________________ Some have natural habitats, sometimes a treat all's, erosion changes direction. Sometimes they naturally clog up because that's nature. ________________________________________ The big concern is the sensitive habitat. What are some of the concerns they are. Rare plants question were ________________________________________ Plans, birds, and animals such as shrimp. There are a wide range. They have like hundred of miles in San Diego. ________________________________________ Each has a habitat that has to be looked at. ________________________________________ The earthen ones have more habitat. ________________________________________ We do have an ongoing program. ________________________________________ The key is smart to plan. It prioritizes the channel based on the survey determining which is the most clogged and most at risk. Unfortunately, when you put a channel on a list, to go into the federal and say we need to clean this now and they say you are coming clean in until 2018 one he need to clean it now? So if you had a plan it's harder to get an seek and we need to go in now. So theoretically if you knew it was a problem when you put it in your plan. ________________________________________ This is November and it's posted be happening this winter. Isn't it really too late? What can they really do question mark ________________________________________ They said it takes about 36 hours after you decide to go in and clear. During the storm if it is clear you can't go in. Sometimes it goes in after a storm starts and you know where it is and what is threatened and you can meet the criteria. ________________________________________ Don't the floods destroyed habitat? But that is a natural process though? ________________________________________ The city was talking if you went in on your own in a maverick style without approval you will get fined. On the other hand, if residence houses get flooded you will get sued by them. So the city is looking at a financial loss either way. Either pay a fine to the government for destroying habitat or homeowners for their homes being destroyed. So maybe we should just do it ________________________________________ Is this a -- city emergency have any effect? ________________________________________ He wants to raise the issue to a higher level and get people focused on it. The regulatory folks have the right priority, they are giving up too easily at the backlash. This is a hard hurdle and he doesn't care just fight through it. ________________________________________ Despite the red tape the water officials remain optimistic. They found ways to team up on the pro--- program. ________________________________________ Think they looking forward to this winter but they know it was coming in the cooperation between the regional water control Board and the Army Corps of Engineers center -- city is higher than it has ever been. Even though they may not get emergency permits they are getting accelerated permits through the same process. They are able to clear some faster than have in the past. ________________________________________ What about residents that live in one clear channels themselves. We seen any of that question were ________________________________________ I know it is illegal but I'm not sure how that process works. ________________________________________ Of, small business owner and have had plummeted and see the dire forecast you would think you would want to take matters in your own hand to stop its interruption in business and damage to your property. ________________________________________ Especially if you think you could solve it. I would think I would make it worse. I don't know what I would be doing. One dealership is frequently flooding and he is been championing more aggressive efforts to code the channels nearby. Everyone knows mission Valley floods but his is very vulnerable. ________________________________________ What is the states report sponsor and have they been successful question were ________________________________________ I don't think there is anything it. Councilman's expect optimism that the governor may come in and say we can change this state rule. The governor could issue a emergency order of the legislature can override it because of El Niño. No one is making a the. No one wants to destroy senselessly habitat. It is an essential real threat and that might warrant action ________________________________________ The difference between different types of channels and the concrete in the earthen ones. Tell us about that ________________________________________ The concrete may be easier to get permits because it is not natural. But experts say it is not always the case. ________________________________________ And the time we have left, they have been busy clearing some channels. Give us some example of notable ones that people may no ________________________________________ I do not have my list me. ________________________________________ Albarado Canyon[ Inaudible ],. ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ A stream of complaints from the firefighters in the city of San Diego and ambulance service role Metro. Changes are afoot that serious questions of life and death remain about radio measures -- Metro's effectiveness. It was sold this month, can we expected to prove that of the new owners ? ________________________________________ Fairhope will. San Diego's private ambulance company has had problems. Last month the city find them $230,000 for not making their being on time and on same within 12 minutes. 90% of the time it is more than 80%. They claimed bankruptcy in 2013, shareholder lawsuit. Since July, American medical resources have analyzed an agreement to buy world Metro. It's been happening over the last week. I talked to Mike Rice who is the new director for AMR is taking over the contract in San Diego. He said they brought in five ambulances immediately from the get-go. They are very concerned they haven't been making the targets. ________________________________________ We have a bite from Matt, Ross let's hear that. ________________________________________ The current status is the response time compliance are not related to be. In an effort to start making immediate improvements that was the decision that was made. The system status plan and all the other things that make the system function so we can have a permanent long-term solution. ________________________________________ So this new company does have a presence in the region, smaller cities. What has been their track record there is ________________________________________ I asked the question because I didn't have a chance to get all of the response times. They are already into Lavista, Rancho Santa Fe. They have a presence around San Diego County. They are larger companies in rural Metro. AMR had about 35,000 911 calls and role Metro had 91,000 ________________________________________ Is talk about those numbers. The research that I have seen, nearly 400 calls a day to the fire department in San Diego. Hundred and 42,000 incidents last week -- year. All were for medical assistance and not fire ________________________________________ That is the case all around the country. There is a tremendous amount. They had a 7% increase of fire calls in San Diego. That contributes related like the numbers. But 7% is not a tremendous amount of difference. They are saying the underlying problem is they simply don't have enough paramedics. ________________________________________ You did a story about when there's a medical call, the fire engines and ambulances go. The fire engines were beating the ambulances spirit ________________________________________ I don't think it was my story that one thing that came up was the firefighters were so frustrated that they were transporting the patient themselves in the fire trucks which is a bad sign for the ambulance company picks ________________________________________ World Metro was supposed to get there within 12 minutes, fire trucks advocate there within a have paramedics on board. They are struggling to make that 90% as well. ________________________________________ Under the story a long time ago. ________________________________________ ________________________________________ What is the background as to why we have a country -- company that contract that students of city employees. ________________________________________ I wonder if the city know about this impending sale. I was at the hearing and it did not come up here, not sure the city had a heads up. ________________________________________ That would be putting up a whole new bureaucracy. ________________________________________ They were supposed to put up a bid in the city made a commitment that if they do set it out to bid that the fire department once to bid to say whether they want to take that entire service pack themselves. There is a lawsuit pending in the county says it is the cities responsibility and so they have re-up for another five years. ________________________________________ One of the reasons might be because of city workers have pensions and are paid higher than the private sector so it's cheaper to contracted out here ________________________________________ Hobby year has something to say about this. ________________________________________ The challenges they are not meeting the response time. I am confident AMR will change that coming in. It's like bringing a well guarded consulted and to tell you which are doing. ________________________________________ Longtime assistant chief and firefighting fiction Brian that essay is taking over as the new chief. They fire officials saying confident that AMR will be an improvement ________________________________________ I didn't run into anybody that said they did not want to see AMR command. Role Metro declared in Cropsey, AMR is a bigger company and hopefully they will bring their expertise and there. Role Metro before they left, had to summon a plan on how to solve this. They did that and AMR has taken a look at it and see what they can put on top to solve the problem. The city, with the way it works it is up to the private company to do this. They can find them for not making them targets. But they cannot drill down and why they are making the target. They putting the ambulances in the wrong place. Our their hotspots where the not getting quickly enough. ________________________________________ Is this an example of private contracting out where we may step back. The clearance say should we take this over? ________________________________________ If you look at the example contract and has not gone. When it's life-and-death -- death it's questionable. ________________________________________ If nothing else it should go out for competitive did and if the fire department thinks they have a shot at it they should probably have the opportunity to make their case. ________________________________________ We may see that moving as we go ahead. ________________________________________ Before ending today, last week and made a joke in passing about Gretchen Newson being attractive and the Lieutenant. government -- governor with the same name. Sorry if it was offended. I would like to thank my guest. Reminder all the stories discussed are available on the website K Thank you for joining us on the Roundtable.

Taxes on the ballot

At least five different measures raising taxes on San Diegans could make it on to the June or November 2016 ballots. Currently in the planning stage: the city’s “mega­bond” for infrastructure; SANDAG’s “quality­ of­ life” sales­ tax increase; city hotel room tax to expand the convention center; Cory Briggs and Donna Frye’s city tourism tax­ initiative to expand the convention center and market tourism; and the city’s firehouse bond issue.

Two other measures, one to increase the minimum wage, another to allow the use of public monies to build a football stadium, may also wind up on a 2016 ballot.


There may be general agreement that city and county infrastructures need help, but putting too many tax measures on one ballot – or even two – risks them all failing.

The city’s budget analyst says the city is facing a $1.7 billion funding gap for repairs over the next five years. Others put the gap at $5 billion.

Clearing storm drains a murky issue ­­

If you thought the idea of cleaning out the city and county’s storm drains in advance of El Niño was a no­-brainer, you’d be right. But getting it done is complicated and difficult.

The permit process for clearing drains is governed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the state Regional Water Quality Control Board. They aim to keep local agencies from ripping out sensitive habitat and recklessly accelerating erosion. Exemptions are allowed for emergencies, but the probability of an extremely rainy winter doesn’t qualify, and cities can’t apply for a blanket exception based on predictions.


Local agencies are planning to accelerate normal channel maintenance and are working together.

San Diego's troubled ambulance service sold

Rural/Metro Corp., which has a five­-year contract to provide ambulances services to San Diego, has been sold to Colorado­-based AMR. Rural/Metro was fined $230,000 by the city last month for failure to meet response times over three months. At least three times recently, San Diego firefighter paramedics loaded patients onto fire engines to rush them to the hospital because an ambulance had not arrived. Firefighters say they often have to wait 20 or 30 minutes or longer for ambulances. Rural/Metro has faced staffing issues, as has AMR, particularly a shortage of paramedics.