One of my first questions this morning when asked to write a post about what's going on in Libya was: how do I spell the name of the Libyan leader? Throughout my lifetime, I remember Moammar Gadhafi (this is how NPR and KPBS are spelling it) making headlines. First, back in 1986, when President Reagan ordered air strikes against Libya after the country bombed a West German disco, killing two Americans. Then after the unbelievably tragic terrorist attack in 1988, when Libyan agents bombed Pan Am Flight 103. The plane exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing 11 Lockerbie residents, and all 269 people on the plane (189 were American). ABC news reports that Libya was also responsible for bombing a French air liner in 1989, in which 170 people lost their lives.
So, how do you spell the name of the man who has been responsible for so much chaos, and now may be seeing his days as leader numbered? The London Evening Standard has compiled a list of 37 different spellings of Gadhafi's name. Enjoy.
Just to take a trip down memory lane, check out this interview with Gadhafi back in 1989, conducted by Barbara Walters. I can't figure out who's wearing the better outfit: