Happiness and pride tempered by worry. Those seem to be the three strongest reactions from Camp Pendleton Marines and their spouses, at least based on what I've been reading on Twitter from the wonderful military wives I follow. One of my favorite military spouse blogs is called Semper Fi Momma, and it's written by the wife of a Camp Pendleton Marine. Momma writes this morning that her heart-bursting pride in our troops is mixed with worry:
We have succeeded in taking down one of our Most Wanted, but Osama’s regime still lives on. They wholeheartedly believe in what they do and serve, just as our nations service men and women do. While this is a major accomplishment, our fight is still not over..
A Marine wife named Rachael, who runs the blog "Tutus and Tantrums," wrote about the waves of emotions that enveloped her after learning of Osama bin Laden's death:
I cried because I think the entire nation felt a little bit of weight lifted off of their shoulders. I cried for the families who lost someone on 9/11, who have finally seen justice served. I cried because my husband is deployed. And finally I cried when my stomach went sick with worry for what this now means for our military.
So I have a request for all the military spouses, family members, and friends reading this. How are you feeling this morning? Are you worried? Relieved? I'd love to hear from you!