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Operation Tomodachi Troops Not Exposed to Dangerous Radiation Levels

U.S. troops help with clean up near Sendai
Mark Stroud
U.S. troops help with clean up near Sendai

The results of a study conducted by the U.S. military show American servicemembers involved in the earthquake and tsunami cleanup in Japan were not exposed to dangerous levels of radiation or toxins, according to an article in the Stars and Stripes.

U.S. Forces Japan spokesman Maj. Neal Fisher told the Stars and Stripes that soil, water, and air samples taken from the area surrounding the city of Sendai did not contain "harmful levels of any substance." He was not specific, though, as to locations:

Back on March 13, two days after the earthquake, the New York Times reported that the USS Ronald Reagan helicopter crew members were exposed to radiation:


Home Post later published a letter from Capt. Thom Burke, the commanding officer of the Reagan, which said no crew members had been exposed to dangerous levels of radiation, and that the Reagan had repositioned itself away from the Fukushima plant for safety reasons. Indeed, the Reagan departed the coast of Japan at the beginning of April, just as clean up efforts in Sendai were starting, according to

Despite the radiation and toxin study finding, Fisher tells the Stars and Stripes that servicemembers who were involved in Operation Tomodachi will need to visit the doctor for post-mission checkups: