“Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.” That’s the unofficial motto of the United States Postal Service.
In Tierrasanta, one of those couriers finished the last of his appointed rounds on Wednesday, and the neighborhood sent him off in style.

John Piontek has delivered the mail to the Villa Barbados neighborhood since 1992 — 29 years of service, and friendships.
“I’m 73 now and I was only in my 40’s when he started on my block and so I’ve watched him age and he’s definitely watched me age,” said resident Tammie Wilson.
“He’s been to weddings, funerals, graduations, parties, birthdays,” said resident Janet Martin.
When the neighborhood heard about his upcoming retirement, Martin got on the NextDoor app and began arranging the celebration for his last day.

You might say delivering the mail is part of Piontek’s DNA.
“My grandfather retired from the Postal Service back in Buffalo, New York,” he said.
Piontek will still be doing plenty of walking in his retirement, but on the golf course rather than on a mail route.

He retires with warm thoughts of the longtime customers who became friends.
They’re my family, they’re my friends,” Piontek said, “And (I) hold ‘em deep in my heart, it’s great.”