A Quick Update And Some News
Hey there, Alan here. Happy New Year! I wanted to take a minute or two to tell y’all about some exciting developments for the Only Here podcast team. We were recently selected to be part of a prestigious podcast accelerator program that’s pushing us to experiment, take risks and step outside of our creative comfort zones when it comes to this show. We were one of just six public media stations from across the country chosen to be a part of a grant program called Project Catapult. We’re suuuper excited and honored to be a part of it. Project Catapult is basically a training that takes our Only Here production team to Boston once a month where we learn from a team of experts from PRX and other public media stations. PRX, by the way, is kinda on par with NPR...it’s a public media company that distributes a long list of podcast and broadcast shows that include some of the most popular in the world -- like This American Life and The Moth. We are learning soooo much from PRX! And one of the most important things we’ve learned is to think a looooot more about you -- our audience. So, here I am, asking you listeners to do us a big, big favor and email us at podcasts at kpbs dot or, that’s podcasts with an s at kpbs dot org, to tell us more about who you are, why you listen to the show and anything else you want us to know. Maybe there’s a person, place or thing you want us to cover -- we’re open to anything and everything. So, help us make our PRX teachers proud, and please shoot us an email and tell us who you are and what you think of our show. Thanks in advance.