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More Priest Abuse Victims Plan To Sue Catholic Diocese Of San Diego And More Local News

 December 12, 2019 at 2:45 AM PST

Speaker 1: 00:00 It's Thursday, December 12th I'm Deb Welsh and you're listening to San Diego news matters from KPBS coming up, more priest abuse victims plan to Sue the Catholic diocese of San Diego and a new book called raising an aging parent, explorers how to handle those challenges and healthy and beneficial ways. Speaker 2: 00:19 Sometimes we need to take care of them and the roles reverse. It's not raising in the sense of diminishing them. We're trying to do is raise them up. We're trying to elevate them. Speaker 1: 00:28 That more coming up right after the break for new victims with allegations of sexual assault against a now dead priest, say there'll be suing the Catholic diocese of San Diego KPBS reporter Priya Schreder has more. The four victims are able to Sue the diocese for negligence because of a new California law effective January 1st, 2020 that expands the statute of limitations for victims of childhood sexual assault. The victims, including David Toronto, say father Anthony, Edward Rodrig sexually assaulted them when they were children attending parishes in the San Diego diocese in the 1960s and seventies Speaker 2: 01:08 us as little kids, we thought, Oh, he just been affectionate until he took us to his room in El Centro and did what he did. That just destroyed my whole life. I couldn't believe that God will let something like this happen. Speaker 1: 01:23 Rodrig served 10 years in prison for molesting a developmentally disabled boy. In a statement, the diocese said, no amount of money can make up for the evil done to victims of priestly sex abuse Prius or either K PBS news, cities and counties across California are increasingly using steep fines against property owners to stop illegal cannabis cultivation capital public radio. Scott rod has this report. Speaker 3: 01:49 State law allows Californians to grow up to six cannabis plants in their home for personal use in some places. Exceeding that limit could cost you a lot. Plasser County funds, property owners, $1,000 per plant over the legal limit. Same with the city of Malibu in November. Stanislaus County approved what could be one of the most aggressive penalties in the state up to $1,000 per plant per day. Speaker 4: 02:12 We're having difficulty gaining compliance with these illegal grows and they're very abundant, not just in Stanislaus County but but all over California. Speaker 3: 02:21 Vito key AZA is a Stanislaus County supervisor. He says, cannabis grows, caused problems in neighborhoods and threatened the legal industry by propping up the black market. But these fines are not without controversy. The city of Sacramento faces dozens of legal challenges to its enforcement program, mostly from rental property owners. The city has issued about $94 million in fines. Key, as it says, Stanislaus County will give landlords a grace period to remove the plants and avoid a penalty if the tenants are responsible for the grows in Sacramento. I'm Scott rod Speaker 1: 02:53 San Diego's at the center of the baseball world this week with MLBs winter meetings in town each year, executives, exhibitors, and job seekers gather for the four day event. KPBS reporter Matt Hoffman went to the downtown convention center to check in on the action. Speaker 5: 03:08 Imagine going to a game and instead of waiting in long lines for concessions, you can use your phone to order food right to your seat. A handful of companies were selling that idea at the baseball trade show inside the convention center. Laura apprecia is with fan food. Speaker 6: 03:21 So I would say mobile ordering, um, is definitely very prominent. Just in the U S in general. I mean, we can see like Grubhubs Starbucks, you know, like everybody's on their phone, always ordering something. Um, in terms of the sports world, it's definitely a little bit behind in that sense. Speaker 5: 03:36 Using an app, people can order food and even beer with a valid ID. Fan. Food is hoping the idea is a hit. With sports fans, they're looking to expand the company quickly. Speaker 6: 03:44 So right now we're at 65 venues across the U S um, so the hope is that by next year we'll be at a thousand Speaker 5: 03:52 fan. Food says data shows people using their app are spending more money on food and drinks with an average order reaching $22. Matt Hoffman, K PBS news, Speaker 1: 04:01 tens of millions of Americans care for their aging parents. A new book explores how those in the sandwich generation, those who care for their parents and their own kids handle these challenges in healthy and beneficial ways. Dr Ken [inaudible] spoke about his book raising an aging parent with KPBS mid day edition host Jade Hindman. Speaker 7: 04:21 The title of your book is raising an aging parent. Why the term raising rather than caring for, well you know, raising is elevating. We raise our children, we're not trying to disempower them and you know, make them dependent. What we're trying to do is raise them up. We're trying to elevate them and that's what we want to do with aging parents as well. We want to raise them up so it's not raising in the sense of diminishing them. Even though you know, we all realize that sometimes the challenges of having an aging parent that you love it are great and that sometimes we need to take care of them and the roles reverse that they, we end up taking care of them. It would seem that there are some parallels between raising children and caring for aging parents. What are some of those parallels that we might not think of? Speaker 7: 05:10 Yeah, you know, it's great. You know, we, all of us who had been parents realize that you can teach your child learned helplessness. You take over for them, you do it for them, you do everything for them. You don't include them in the critical thinking, in developing options that they can think about what's the best, what are the consequences. And so it's similar when you have an aging parent who's facing, you know, whether it's time to move out of the family home or whether it's time to increase their, their visits to a doctor, whether it's time to look at their finances and things like that. We don't want to disempower them. We want to have inclusive conversations with them and help them think through what the best thing to do is going forward. And you know, some of us in that so-called sandwich or caring for aging parents while doing our best to raise a family of our own. Speaker 7: 06:02 And what are some of the biggest challenges faced by those of us that are in that sandwich generation? Well, the biggest challenge is that we don't take care of ourselves. We work ourselves into a state of exhaustion and depletion, frustration and, and sorrow. Because you know what? There are parts of having a parent get older that are sad and difficult. You know, they, they, they have lost the younger version of themselves. Perhaps they're retired. Perhaps they are a little bit lost in their life about what now? How do I restore a sense of purpose and meaning? You know, and maybe we're so busy with our own lives that we feel guilty. We're not spending enough time or they're not getting to see the grandchildren enough for things like that. So self care is a premium. We have to upgrade the operating system for self care to professional grade self care. Speaker 7: 06:57 And that doesn't mean we go out and get a Manny a penny. It means that we truly do the things to fill our own cups. We say no to the things that right now at this point in our life, we we have to say no to and we say yes to the things that allow us to feel restored and rejuvenated. You know what I mean? With all of the demands put on our time by both aging parents and our own children. Uh, what's your advice to avoid burnout and, and just feeling overwhelmed? Yeah. Well the first thing I think we have to do is take inventory and realize, Hey, my neurotransmitters are afraid. We have to take honest inventory and realize, you know what, I'm tired and I need to do something to take care of myself. And once we realize that it's time to do that, then we need to put a list together of here are some things I can do to take better care of myself and we can become the smarter, more time efficient, better version, more communicative version of ourselves. Speaker 7: 07:52 And sometimes it's even asking a sibling to get involved. Sometimes it's getting a caregiver involved. Sometimes it's facing into a difficult decision that our parent is having me having trouble with by asking the family doctor to be in that decision or the family attorney if we have somebody, a resource like that. I've been speaking with dr Ken Druck is the author of the new book raising an aging parent, which is out dr drug. Thank you so much for joining us. So good to be with you. Thank you. That's it for San Diego news matters today. Consider supporting this podcast by becoming a KPBS member today. Just go to

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Four victims came forward Wednesday with allegations of sexual assault against a now dead priest. Hear why they’re suing the Catholic Diocese of San Diego now. Plus, tens of millions of Americans care for their aging parents. A new book called "Raising an Aging Parent" explores how to handle those challenges in healthy and beneficial ways. And, San Diego is at the center of the baseball world this week with MLB's Winter Meetings in town. Each year executives, exhibitors and job seekers gathered for the four-day event. KPBS went to check in on the action.