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Potential treatment center sparks controversy

 July 2, 2024 at 5:00 AM PDT

Good Morning, I’m Emilyn Mohebbi, in for Debbie Cruz…. it’s Tuesday, July 2nd.


The county wants to buy a ranch in Vista to build a treatment center. More on that next. But first... let’s do the headlines….


This week is going to be a hot one, and the National Weather Service says temperatures will continue to rise a few degrees each day.

And in some parts of the county, temps will reach the triple digits.

So here’s what you need to know…

An Excessive Heat Warning in the desert areas has been extended to 11 P-M Monday, where temps could reach up to 122 degrees.

Today in the inland and mountain areas, temperatures will be in the mid 80s, and by the coast, it’ll be in the mid 70s.

If you need a place to stay cool, you can find the Cool Zone site closest to you, and their hours, on the county’s website, or by calling 2-1-1.


Landlords in California can now only ask for one month's rent as a security deposit.

The new law that went into effect yesterday (Monday) makes it illegal for landlords to charge two times, and in some cases, three times the monthly rent as a security deposit.

The law only applies to landlords that own more than two properties.

Landlords will still be able to seek damages from tenants who are responsible for harm to the property that exceeds the amount of the security deposit.


The San Diego Fire-Rescue Department's Lifeguard Division and SD-PD officials are reminding San Diegans and visitors to stay safe this Independence Day.

With the increase in visitors on the holiday, lifeguards and police officers will be patrolling the beaches, particularly Mission Bay.

They want you to remember that all personal-use fireworks are illegal throughout the county.

And to swim near a lifeguard and avoid swimming while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

They’re also reminding visitors to keep the beach clean by using the extra trash and recycling bins put out by the Clean Beach Coalition.


From KPBS, you’re listening to San Diego News Now. Stay with me for more of the local news you need.


A plan to buy a ranch in Vista and build a campus of healing has sparked controversy in the community.

Over the weekend, county supervisor Jim Desmond faced the crowds to try to answer their questions.

North County reporter Tania Thorne was there.

News of the county’s intent to purchase Green Oak Ranch - hasn’t sat well with many Vista residents. In late April, Supervisor Jim Desmond introduced his idea of a Campus For Healing- a 200 bed treatment center for adults with mental illnesses and substance use disorders. On Sunday, Supervisor Desmond faced the crowds looking for some answers. we may not even get the property. and I get the vibe in this room, you don't want us to get it…. Many of the residents’ questions- were about the impact to the community and security. Desmond’s response to safety concerns was the promise of on site security and a Sheriff's Deputy on location 24/7. There’s no guarantee the County will get the property. The city of Vista is currently getting it appraised, No timelines are known for the sale of the property. TT KPBS News. 


Name calling, mockery and outbursts are now routine at the county board of supervisors’ meetings.

In the second of a three-parter on incivility, investigative reporter Amita Sharma says analysts believe the insults are damaging “the marketplace of ideas,” and harming democracy.

A warning, the following contains offensive language.

San Diego County Board of Supervisors’ meetings were almost never paused because of blow-ups. Around 2021, well into the covid pandemic, that changed…as public outbursts grew. Fletcher: “Sir you can’t sit there and just burst out!” Man continues to rant. Fletcher: You cannot disrupt the proceedings. Audra yells. Fletcher hits his gavel. Audra yells. Fletcher: “Your outbursts are disrupting the proceedings…Please control yourself.” People clap and cheer loudly. Fletcher hits gavel. “I’m gonna remind members who are present that according to the rules there is no clapping or outburst… because it interrupts the proceedings of the next speaker.” Stopping these meetings to cool off not only disrupts and delays the public’s business, it endangers our system of government, says University of Connecticut sociology professor Ruth Braunstein. She calls local public meetings “idealized spaces for representative democracy” because it's where citizens can weigh in on decisions that affect them. Ruth Braunstein University of Connecticut Sociology Professor “If those meetings are being hijacked by loud negative voices,  that's taking time and space from other citizens, and it's also derailing those conversations.” Case in point – a scheduled discussion late last year before the supervisors  on the TRUTH Act. “ ensure that there's adequate dialogue between the sheriff department and immigrant communities around issues of concern regarding deportations.” Supervisor Terra Lawson-Remer. Terra Lawson-Remer San Diego County Supervisor….”People had taken time off work. They had organized their whole lives to be here.” But they never got to speak. Oct. 24, 2023 Part 3: TRUTH ACT Nora: This is your third warning, please leave Consuelo: Stop! Nora! Nora, for real. Audra: You don't care about me, what the f*** is going on? Nora: That’s it, we’re good. Nora tries to continue meeting. “Next speaker please, next speaker please.” Yelling continues. “Okay, that’s it we’re taking a break.” That meeting was paused until the next day, but the Truth Act  was never taken up again last year. Erin Tsurumoto Grassi, associate director of Alliance SD, was one of those who showed up but couldn’t share her views. Speaking isn’t always easy either. She says when she and a colleague once commented against a resolution to shut down the border, they were heckled by the audience. “....They were yelling and screaming the entire time we were giving public comment.” Lawson-Remer says that’s why constituents don’t attend meetings. They get drowned out. ”Being here and listening to this is just so upsetting and toxic.” KPBS reviewed a sample of supervisor meetings from 2009 to 2023. We found none were halted for outbursts before covid. Then from 2021 to 2023, meetings were paused 18 times. San Diego therapist David Peters says the people who are repelled by the acrimony are the very ones who should be at the meetings. David Peters Therapist “....People of good intention and of good communication and self control pull back from spaces where there's ugliness because it feels unseemly.” The nastiness is also pushing elected officials to consider leaving their jobs. A USD study last year found more than half of office holders polled had thought about not running again because of harassment. Keith Allred National Institute for Civil Discourse ”We're just never going to recruit the best among us to be our leaders if that's what you face.” Keith Allred is executive director of the National Institute for Civil Discourse. He says the public might be left with the most extreme voices to represent them. Lawson-Remer says had she known how poisonous the supervisors meetings would become, she may have never run for office in 2020. She copes with the fallout from what she calls “the abuse and attacks” at  by surfing and bike riding “ But the next couple days after our board meetings are pretty. Pretty terrible, frankly.” Consuelo Henken was one of the public commenters, whose refusal to stop speaking, led to the Truth Act discussion being shut down. She blames the tone and language at these meetings on the supervisors’ poor governance. Consuelo Henken Public Commenter “If these people can't handle it, then get out of the arena.” But San Diego political scientist Carl Luna says that sentiment doesn’t apply. Carl Luna Political Science Professor San Diego Mesa College “When somebody has lit your kitchen on fire, it's not on you that you can't take the heat. You've got to stop the civic arsonists out there from burning things down.” Amita Sharma, KPBS News.


In 19-74, activists held San Diego's first ever Pride march.

Metro reporter Andrew Bowen says elected officials marked the 50th anniversary yesterday (Monday), with a Pride month kick-off event at city hall.

ab: the city council chambers were packed with rainbow flags monday morning at the pride kickoff event. among the speakers was christine kehoe. in 1993 she became the first openly gay elected official in san diego. she served on the city council and later in the state assembly and senate. she says she's proud of having helped make san diego and california welcoming places for the lgbtq+ community. ck: but in other states, our right to marry, to express and determine our gender identity, to access the health care we need — all these rights that are now in law are being threatened state by state every day. ab: even in san diego, threats to the community's safety are present. in may, an unidentified person drove past several gay bars in hillcrest shooting a pellet gun. one person was struck in the eye. jen labarbera of san diego pride says pride month is a time to stand up and mobilize. jb: we have decades and centuries of experience in holding both protest and celebration at the same time, in the same breath. because pride is still protest in every sense of the word, and pride is also joy. and our queer joy is resistance. ab: pride events are taking place throughout july, culminating in the pride parade on july 20th and the pride festival in balboa park on the 20th and 21st. andrew bowen, kpbs news.


An iconic live music venue in North County is celebrating its golden jubilee.

Reporter Jacob Aere dives into the history... and the festivities in store for the Belly Up.

BB King, Erykah Badu … and even the Rolling Stones. Those are just a few of the artists who’ve graced the stage of Solana Beach’s Belly Up… which is now celebrating 50 years of live music. Musician and former San Diego Padre player Tim Flannery is a regular in the crowd … and on stage. “Look, I'm a preacher's kid – this is one of the best churches I've ever been to in my life, spiritually saying you know.” To celebrate 50 years, Belly Up will have 50 shows throughout the summer, featuring local, regional and national acts with connections to the club. The concerts begin July 3rd and run through the end of September. Jacob Aere, KPBS News.


A North Park gelato shop is celebrating being named the best in the country.

Reporter Katie Anastas says regulars and first-timers stopped by for one-dollar scoops yesterday (Monday).

Despite its name, An’s Dry Cleaning is not a place to get your clothes cleaned. It’s the best independent ice cream shop in the country, according to USA Today readers. Kris Warren and his co-founders opened it six years ago and named it after the dry cleaners it replaced on Adams Avenue. KRIS WARREN It’s memorable, it’s a little bit silly, which we like – gelato’s lighthearted. So I think that night, An’s Dry Cleaning was born. The line for $1 scoops wrapped around the block on Monday. Teresa San Miguel and her kids drove there from Jamul. TERESA SAN MIGUEL It’s perfect for our weather. It’s hot in Jamul right now so we’re excited for a nice cold treat. North Park isn’t the only place to taste America’s favorite gelato. An’s Hatmakers is in Del Mar, and An’s Athletic Field Services is in Petco Park. Katie Anastas, KPBS News.


That’s it for the podcast today. As always you can find more San Diego news online at KPBS dot org. Join me again tomorrow for the day’s top stories. I’m Emilyn Mohebbi. Thanks for listening and have a great Tuesday.

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A plan to buy a ranch in Vista and build a treatment center for adults with mental illness and substance abuse disorders has sparked controversy in the community. In other news, name calling, mockery and outbursts are now routine at the San Diego County Board of Supervisors’ meetings. In the second of a three-parter on incivility, analysts believe the insults are damaging “the marketplace of ideas,” and harming democracy. Plus, an iconic live music venue in North County is celebrating its golden jubilee.