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Schwarzenegger Says 'No' toTuition Hikes

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger visited UCSD today to say a few words at the meeting of the University of California's Board of Regents. He stumped for his proposal to freeze tuition at the state's pu

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger visited UCSD today to say a few words at the meeting of the University of California's Board of Regents. He stumped for his proposal to freeze tuition at the state's public universities. But not everyone was happy to hear what he had to say. KPBS reporter Beth Ford Roth has more.

Schwarzenegger called for support of his proposed budget that includes $130 million in funding for the UC and CSU system,funding that would eliminate the need for scheduled student fee increases for next year.

Schwarzenegger: "For California to achieve its potential we must make sure that our young people achieve their potential."


The Regents were very complementary of his plan. But UCSD student Forest Borie questioned the governor about why he wasn't doing more to help California's poor and minority students in K-12 education.

Borie: "I wanted to say it because everyone's just praising him around this whole circle and it's just like wait a minute, I read the newspaper, I don't have these same things to say."

The Regents at the meeting also discussed internal and external audits being planned of the University's pay practices. Beth Ford Roth, KPBS news.