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ACLU speaks up about county's medical marijuana suit

The ACLU says it will intervene in San Diego County's federal lawsuit that seeks to overturn California's Medical Marijuana law. KPBS Reporter Kenny Goldberg has more.

The ACLU says it will intervene in San Diego County's federal lawsuit that seeks to overturn California's Medical Marijuana law. KPBS Reporter Kenny Goldberg has more.

The ACLU says it's taking legal action on behalf of medical marijuana patients who it says are being harmed by the County's position.

The County contends federal statutes that prohibit the use of marijuana should supersede California's law that allows it.


Kevin Keenan is executive director of the ACLU's local chapter. He says the County's argument is dead wrong.

Keenan: "There's no legal basis. The county counsel recommended against this suit initially. They are out on a limb. Their motivations must be political, and we they're bad political reasons."

The County has also refused to issue ID cards to medical marijuana patients, as required by state law. County officials say they fear patients would be subject to federal prosecution.

Kenny Goldberg, KPBS News.