San Diego mayor Jerry Sanders says his budget will hardly make a dent in the city's massive deferred maintenance needs, which run into the hundreds of millions of dollars. KPBS reporter Alison St John has more.
Deferred maintenance includes hundreds of little things like replacing ceiling tiles in city libraries, and big things like replacing the roof on the Museum of Man. The latest estimate of how much it would cost to upgrade run-down city buildings and roads comes to $370 million, and that was three years ago!
Mayor Sanders says he's ordered a complete inventory and new cost estimates for deferred maintenance.
For this year though we'll have $20 million to spend twenty million dollars is a limited amount when you're talking about needs that number into the hundreds of millions of dollars ... my budgetary proposal will include those items that require our most immediate attention.
Sanders' plan earmarks money to re-roof the Malcolm x Library and the Old Globe Theatre. But his budget pays to resurface only 12 miles of city streets. And even that will depend on the city's long awaited audit. Alison St. John KPBS News.