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CA Lawmakers debating Iraq war resolution

The House is holding 10 hours of debate on a resolution supporting the war in Iraq. Two California lawmakers find themselves in opposite corners on the war. Our congressional correspondent Max Cacas h

The House is holding 10 hours of debate on a resolution supporting the war in Iraq. Two California lawmakers find themselves in opposite corners on the war. Our congressional correspondent Max Cacas has more.

Duncan Hunter, the powerful El Cajon Republican who chairs the
House Armed Services Committee, believes the best course is to stick
to the present policy in Iraq, and give our troops the same support they got in World War Two.

Hunter: "When the 101st went into Northern Europe, they had a united American public. Lets give the 101st Airborne, now in Mosle and that tough Suni Triangle, lets give them the same support we gave them in Europe."


But El Segundo Democrat Jane Harman, ranking member of the House
Intelligence Committee, makes the case for why the U.S. is faltering in

Harman: "There are too few troops to stabilize the country and no exit strategy."

A final vote on the House Iraq resolution is expected to take place Friday. From Capitol Hill, Max Cacas, KPBS News.