San Diego County’s fragile healthcare safety net is about to develop some gaping holes. San Diego Supervisors got a report on the state of the County’s healthcare system Tuesday.
Fifteen per cent of San Diegans are uninsured. In the south and central regions it’s closer to 25 percent. Plans by UCSD to move their Hillcrest hospital up to La Jolla could stretch the resources of remaining hospitals south of Interstate 8 to their limit. It will also mean patients have to travel further for care. The report says UCSD’s move would have minimal effect on families. But Supervisor Greg Cox, who presents over 600,000 residents in south county disagreed.
Cox: Is it minimal for someone who has to ride a bus for three hours after working all day to see a loved one in the hospital.?
The report shows 800 new hospital beds are planned for San Diego County in the next 20 years, that’s about 160 fewer beds than the region will need. County Supervisors say getting a fair share of state money for healthcare in San Diego should top their agenda next year. Alison St John KPBS News.