Cities at opposite ends of the county are taking opposite approaches to immigration. At last night's council meeting in National City, immigrants’ rights activists turned in more than 500 signatures supporting Mayor Nick Inzuna’s declaration that his city is a sanctuary for immigrants.
Border Angel’s organizer Enrique Morones.
Morones: Mr. Mayor, thank you. Thank you for being the mayor that who will stand up and say yes to human rights, and yes to our migrant brothers and sisters. This is the cause of liberty and justice for all.
Mayor Inzunza addressed the council on the issue for the first time since he made the declaration. Council members offered no discussion. Though earlier, both Ron Morrison and Frank Parra said the city did not need a declaration nor Inzunza’s politicking. Tonight, the immigration issue heads north to Escondido. The City Council there is widely expected to approve a controversial law that prevents landlords from renting to illegal immigrants.