SDG&E’s Peter Hidalgo says the smart meters will eventually be able connect with -- and talk to -- home appliances with imbedded chips. To reduce electric use and save money. Hidalgo says the system will be especially valuable when the utilities find supplies tightening.
Hidalgo : You then conceivably can go online, and perhaps communicate with your appliances that have these smart chips and say, ‘okay, refrigerator, stop producing ice.’ That will save energy consumption. You can say, ‘okay, air conditioner, I want you to raise your thermostat four degrees.’ That way you're not using the AC as much or as often.
Hidalgo says the utility should have all old-style electric meters replaced by 2011.
He says no meter-readers will lose their jobs. Those who retire won't be replaced, those still working when the conversion is complete will be retrained for other work at SDG&E.