A new survey by the Public Policy Institute finds Californians don't know much about some of the most critical issues they may be voting on next year. From Sacramento, Marianne Russ reports.
According to the poll, only one in ten Californians could name the top area of state spending -- K-12 education -- or the top revenue source -- the personal income tax. And more than half knew very little or nothing about how bonds are paid for.
PPIC President Mark Baldassare says that could make voters more easily swayed:
Baldassare : It makes it likely if there is opposition that you can easily turn public opinion if you're starting from a basis of very little knowledge about a topic.
Despite little knowledge about bonds, likely voters also said they supported Governor Schwarzenegger's plan to issue another $43 billion worth for education, prisons and water storage. And even though only 1 percent could correctly answer how long lawmakers can stay in office -- 14 years -- a majority said they would vote yes on a ballot measure to change term limits.
The findings were based on a survey of 2,000 California adults conducted this month.
From Sacramento, I’m Marianne Russ.