Alison St John (Guest Host): Political campaign contributions are always in the news, but usually the media spotlight is on the politicians receiving them. Now, a new report is out that takes a look at journalistswho are giving them. MSNBC Investigative Reporter Bill Dedman has used public records from the Federal Election Commission to produce an expose of 144 journalists around the country who made political contributions since 2004. He found radically different policies at all the major national TV, newspaper and magazine news outlets. Some, like Fox and Forbes say it's okay for their reporters or writers to sign checks to political causes, others, like CNN and NPR, forbid it.
But the most important question is what you think. Are journalistic standards slipping? Do you care if the people who write the news stories you hear or read contribute financially to a political party or candidate? Does it affect their objectivity?
If you want to express your opinion about journalists donating to political causes, you can join the Current Conversation on
- Bill Dedman , investigative reporter for who reported on journalist contributions to political causes.
- Tim Wulfemeyer, professor and coordinator for the journalism degree program in the School of Communication at SDSU.