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HD Radio Demystified

HD radio is a digital format that offers high-quality audio on FM stations and can rival a CD in quality. Today, more than 1,200 stations are broadcasting in HD radio. KPBS Program Director John Decke

HD Radio Demystified

Tom Fudge: It's possible that you are listening to this program on HD radio. If you are, you own or have access to a digital radio receiver. If you're like most people, you have noticed that the broadcast is stronger and clearer than it was on your old analog radio.

HD radio is the next technical step in radio broadcasting, and it's a step that KPBS and many other stations have taken. The question now is: when will listeners make the change and buy new HD radios? Also, what will stations do with the new capabilities they have with HD radio?


Guest John Decker , program director for KPBS Radio.