Tom Fudge : It costs a lot of money to run for office these days. And when most people think of the high cost of campaigning, they probably imagine candidates spending big money on TV ads. And that is certainly part of it.
But those who run for local offices don't find TV ads terribly attractive. They're very expensive, and you end up wasting a lot of money because you're paying to send your message to a lot of people who don't live in your voting district. That's one of the reasons why campaign mailers have become so popular. You send them to certain addresses, so you know that you're reaching the households that really matter.
If you live in San Diego, you've probably seen your mailbox recently flooded with mailers. The June primary is coming up, and you're no doubt hearing from people running for city attorney, for mayor and for city council. So today we're discussing the odd and entertaining subject of campaign mailers.
Guests :
- Gloria Penner , KPBS Political Correspondent and host of Editors Roundtable on KPBS.